Foreword to PNP Gear
Police institutions, or the concept thereof, were present in the Philippines during the pre-colonial period with barangay guards keeping watch over villages. Later the Spanish government implemented the Carabineros de Seguridad Pública, which evolved to be the Guardilleros, and became the Guardia Civil in 1852 until the Philippines’ brief independence as the transfer over from Spain to the United States stipulated in the Treaty of Paris handed over the Philippines under US administration on that same year in 1898.
1901 saw the establishment of what would become the precursor to the Philippine National Police, called the Philippine Constabulary (PC), established by the Americans under Governor-General WIlliam Howard Taft. It became the 4th military branch in 1940 and functioned as a Gendarmerie-style paramilitary force, with the Integrated National Police (INP) being created in 1975 as a solution to creating a more professionalized law enforcement entity.
1991 was when the merging of both the Constabulary and the Integrated National Police occurred, which became the Philippine National Police as it is known today. Like many civilian law enforcement organizations, the PNP has SWAT units, investigators, cyber police, Maritime Police, and regular police officers enforcing law and order in cities or towns.
We will be focusing on Regional Mobile Force Battalion (RMFB) and Special Action Force impressions.
Special Action Force (PNP-SAF): Serving as the top tier police tactical unit of the PNP, the Special Action Force was founded in 1983 and remained the elite specialized unit of the police when the Philippine Constabulary ceased to be a military branch and became the Philippine National Police in 1991. They specialize in hostage rescue and counter terrorism much like their military special forces counterparts, and will often participate in joint military operations.
Regional Mobile Force Battalion (RMFB): Activated in 1983 as the Regional Special Action Company (RSAC), these units were established to counter communist uprisings and expanded to cover tasks such as counter insurgency, disaster relief and general crime control. Seeing various name changes during their years of service, its name changed from RSAC to Regional Special Action Force in 1985, Regional Mobile Force in 1987, Regional Public Safety Management Battalion in 2009 then deleting the word “Management” the following year. In 2017 these regional law enforcement units were once again renamed to the RMFB name as it is used to the present day. RMFB units augment SAF troopers and AFP military units during counter insurgency operations against communist or Islamist militants.
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PNP Camouflages
PNP FSU Uniform
2019 saw the introduction of this woodland digital camouflage pattern, which was trialed in late 2018 and approved for PNP use and were private purchasable in 2019. These uniforms do not appear to be issued, but rather are acquirable by PNP personnel and consists of a PNP FSU uniform with a boonie hat. Helmet covers as well as chest rigs and plate carriers are produced in this pattern. Note the PNP seal embedded into the pattern.
PNP 6 Color “Camo Green” Uniform
This ubiquitous and distinguishable National Police pattern debuted in 1995 and had three design changes over the course of its service. The uniform was initially reserved for PNP-SAF troopers and RMFB officers. Any police officer needing a field uniform and the RMFB utilize this pattern as an FSU to this day, as well as by SAF troopers on rare occasions.
PNP SAF Pixelized Uniform
Introduced in 2006, this camouflage pattern is reserved for Special Action Force troopers of the Philippine National Police and borrows the color scheme of PNP 6 Color. This iconic PNP uniform has remained the primary distinguishing uniform of the Special Action Force since 2006, virtually replacing the 6 color uniforms. The SAF’s unit insignia is incrementally embedded on FSU cut uniforms.
PNP Headgear
High-Cut MICH 2001 style helmets
Much like the 3M L110 helmets, these high cut helmets see use with RMFB and Maritime Police officers, as well as notable use with SAF troopers. ARC rails and OpsCore NVG shrouds often compliment these style of helmets.
3M Combat II L110
Substantial batches of these helmets were purchased through contracts around 2018. RMFB officers and SWAT units are the primary users, as well as with other police units requiring ballistic protection such as the Maritime Police.
OpsCore FAST Helmet
Only SAF troopers are issued FAST helmets due to their specialized nature, in order to accommodate communication headsets and night vision devices.
PNP 2nd Line Gear
Locally Made Chest Rig
There are a myriad of Filipino 2nd line gear to choose from, such as this Venum Woosatch style vest, GearMax chest rigs, etc with most being unbranded as many are made by local artisan tailors. This particular rig is documented in use with RMFB and SAF troopers, seen in the reference gallery below, as well as various AFP Army elements both infantry and special forces alike. Note that any chest rig from the Philippines will already come with a suite of pouches.
In general, find a reference photo, find the exact or approximately matching rig, and use it for your PNP kit. If one so chooses, source a rig that can be used for AFP military kits as well as the PNP kit for further kit compatibility and financial efficiency.
Locally Made Plate Carrier
The exact same nuance with chest rigs apply to plate carriers, find a photo you would like to replicate, and source the exact plate carrier or one nearly identical to it. For further kit compatibility, ensure your PC has been documented with military users as well. Also worth mentioning is that plate carriers will have complimentary pouches are always included.
PNP-SAF seem to be moving towards a Multicam plate carrier made by the Israeli firm Source Tactical Gear.
PNP 1st Line Gear
FSU, which stands for “Field Service Uniform”, is a general term that refers to Philippine National Police approved combat utility uniforms. 6 color camouflage green are made into these BDU style uniforms, but also as ACU cut or as a combat shirt and Crye field style trouser combination. The exact same goes for SAF’s digital uniforms and the new 2019 FSU pattern.
PNP Combat Uniform
All of the PNP’s camouflage patterns are also made in a combat cut style consisting of tactical trousers and a combat shirt. Shown here is a PNP SAF pixelized uniform made in a combat cut. An interesting caveat is that the drifit material will sometimes be produced with the pattern printed on, akin to a Patagonia L9 combat shirt, and also come in black variants, both idiosyncrasies showing up with PNP 6 color uniforms.
SAF Reference Gallery
RMFB Reference Gallery
Special thanks to Harrold for his assistance!
Further Resources Links: Slide, Comprehensive Kitlist, Reference Photos