Azeris Cooperating with Russian Forces in Nagorno-Karabakh
An Azeri trooper going out on patrol from their base. (Source: CGTN via Rogue Correspondence.)
By CGTN: Central Asia
An Azeri trooper going out on patrol from their base. (Source: CGTN via Rogue Correspondence.)
Nagorno-Karabakh, or Artsakh, is still in recovery mode after the effects of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War which concluded in 2020. Although some infrastructure are left with reminders of war, riddled with bullet marks or torn chunks from artillery, many residents have elected to come back and live in their homes.
Gazprom, the Russian majority state-owned energy company, has resumed operations in the region after a furlough caused by the 2022 Ukraine invasion. A small contingent of Potok, Gazprom owned private security contractors, will provide additional security for the company due to the attacks from previous years
Azeri forces took a large majority of the region during the war, who now share the region with Russian peacekeepers. Despite the need for mobilized troops in Ukraine, Russia still maintains a number of Russian peacekeeping forces in the region in order to assist in mediating peace between the two former Soviet states of Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Azeri troopers receive cross training with Russian forces. (Source: CGTN via Rogue Correspondence.)
Some Azeris feel that Russia is pro-Armenian, and many others want the peacekeepers gone. However, some Azeri forces in the unique region have opted to do the opposite. In fact, there have been reports of Azeri ceasefire violations striking Russian troop positions, according to some reports.
Russian peacekeepers and Azeri troops in the Nagorno-Karabakh Region. (Source: via
However, the Azeris in the special administrative region decide to cooperate with the Russian peacekeepers. Interestingly, this is after the resignation of former Armenian president Armen Sarkissian, who was criticized for siding with the west despite the conflict and the Russian assistance due to their CSTO pact.
An Azeri trooper skateboarding during recreational time. (Source: CGTN via Rogue Correspondence.)
This may be a possible political move by Azeri officials, but for the time being, the cooperation between Russian and Azeri forces have produced success, with relative harmony between Armenian and Azeri citizens alike.
Disclaimer: These articles are made for CGTN: Central Asia, a parody news site that ties Far East Tactical’s storyline to airsoft events we partake in: Milsim West, Milsim Hawaii, and otherwise.
These are not real. That’d be funny if people think they’re real, but no. It’s not that deep. The state of media and people taking milsim too seriously, lol.